Rural ICU

1. Sign in to mobile application
2. (First time) Add patient
3. (All times) Open patient chart (tap on name) - tap "Activate MediaRx®" button lower right.
4. Choose ICU_Patient Round
- a. view from foot of bed
- b. close up views of head, chest, abdomen, and legs
- c. view of monitors
- d. view of infusions
- e. view of ventilator
- f. view of labs on a computer screen
- g. view of any key imaging studies
- h. Total time 3-5 minutes. Pause on (and zoom in on) key frames like labs, monitors and images (tap on screen to RESET focus)
5. Record video of all pertinent data for this patient.
6. A note / chat can also be added
7. If rural team would like to upload a PDF this can be done on the laptop - tap on MediaRx® and choose ICU_PDF Patient History and go through upload steps.
8. Share the patient with the IM TCC DUCK